people together


Our goal for 2026 is: 90% of employees are proud to work for Lyreco.


We will support employee development and provide a career by: 

  • Offering clear roles & responsabilities and regular feedbacks from managers. 

  • Opening all positions to Lyreco employees first. 

  • Prioritising the learning & development of employees, including training managers on how to develop their teams. 

Provide a Safe and Empowering working environment by: 

  • Securing the workplace for all Lyreco employees. 

  • Respecting working practices. 

  • Implementing Diversity & Inclusion policy in all the countries we operate. 

Take action to make a positive impact on the communities by: 

  • Acting locally where we operate to support education as a priority. 

  • Collaborating with local authorities to create partnerships that link to employment. 


Great People Survey

Lyreco People are the driving force behind all our actions and activities. We commit to offering them a work environment in which they can thrive as well as the best opportunities to grow and evolve. 

We make it a point of honor to listen to our employees and take action to improve their work life. That is why each year, we conduct a Great People Survey all around the 25 countries we operate in. 

In 2026, our goal is to reach 90% of employees that are proud to work for Lyreco. 


Empowering people

Lyreco Pioneers programme

In 2021, we launched Lyreco Pioneers, an internal entrepreneurial programme that seeks to mobilise every one of our 12,000 employees to provide solutions to key challenges around sustainability. 


Lyreco for education

Supporting equal access to education in the poorest countries

Created 15 years ago, the Lyreco For Education programme raises funds to give children living in poor conditions in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Brazil, Togo, Madagascar, and Cambodia better access to education. The objective is to increase school enrolment and reduce the school dropout rate by improving the quality of education and learning conditions. 

The Lyreco For Education programme gives our employees and stakeholders the opportunity to engage in fund raising to promote equal education. This spirit of helping others is an important part of the Lyreco company culture. 

Want to learn more?

Read our CSR report

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