Hands clapping together

Lyreco partners & stakeholders

The way we engage with our ecosystem for more sustainable practices

Engaging our stakeholders over the long-term in our Corporate Responsibility strategy and actions is essential to reach our sustainability goals and to support continuous improvement accross all of our activities.

Our customers

We implemented an omni-channel Customer Service that strives to meet our customers' expectations. As a result of these interactions, we have identified social and environmental responsibility as one of the main concerns shared by our customers.

This is why we have developed responsible purchasing support solutions such as our environmental calculation tool, as well as dedicated times for sharing and identifying best practices during our Sustainable Days and Sustainable Awards.

Olaf from Lyreco Germany and 3 people from MTU


The close cooperation between MTU and Lyreco is enabling smooth processing, lean processes and sustainable products. Having this in mind, I would like to encourage everyone to do their utmost to improve sustainability in their own companies.

Andreas Regnier

Purchasing manager at MTU, 2018 Lyreco Germany Sustainability Award winner

Our suppliers

At Lyreco, we work in cooperation with our own brand suppliers through an international continuous improvement programme. This program emphasizes fair practices and the acceptance and respect of ethical rules. Working with us, our suppliers agree to comply with our Purchasing policy, our Code of Ethics, and our Audit process.

Verantwoord gedrag

Encourage responsible practices

We continuously strive to foster virtuous practices among our suppliers through our Supplier Day and awards and through our Sustainable Selection methodology

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We share information about sustainability with Lyreco on a regular basis and help each other progress in that area. We also work together to supply the relevant regions from the closest mills in order to minimise transport.

Päivi Rissanen

Director of UPM, paper supplier under the NEW FUTURE brand

Our logistics partners and suppliers

As one of the first distributors of workplace supplies across the world, we have a special responsibility to ensure that our logistics partners are in line with our environmental views. We do so by including sustainability clauses in our contracts, which allow us to develop continuous improvement projects with them, such as low-emission initiatives.

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Beyond the business dimension of our partnership, working with Lyreco also supports our sustainability policy. Lyreco’s Corporate Responsibility is clearly an inspiration for the implementation of concrete actions such as the definition of Principado Code of Ethics and the development of our green fleet in Mexico.

Alejandro Torre

CEO of Principado Mexico, Lyreco distributor partner since 2014

Working with trusted third parties

In the frame of our Corporate Sustainability, we work together with governments, legal authorities, and certification bodies to grant our customers a fair external point of view on our responsible policies. As an international distributor, we comply with local law in each country we operate in. 

sdg goals

Our commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

From a wider perspective, as a participant in the Global Compact, we follow the United Nations recommendations in the fields covered by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

A girl is in front of a board

NGOs and local charity programmes

We aim to include better social and environmental practices in our activities and initiatives. Our employees are involved in local community programmes as well as in collaborative projects with social entreprises.

We also set up our own charity programme, Lyreco For Education, in partnership with the NGO Care, to help children and teenagers to access education all around the world.

a woman smiling


Since 2010, thanks to Lyreco’s support, CARE has developed education projects in Brazil, Madagascar, Cambodia and now Ethiopia. Our common objective is to provide better quality education to increase student enrollment over the long term. Together, we have already achieved a lot!

Nathalie Rosselot

Corporate Partnership Director, Care France

From our magazine
Working together for tomorrow