man woman with blue safety helmet in orange long sleeve jacket

Spring and summer workwear: Which materials are most suitable?

Now that spring has arrived and the days are getting warmer, it’s time to rethink your workwear choices. Comfort, safety, and productivity should be your priorities, especially in the spring and summer months. Lightweight and breathable materials are a key factor when choosing warm-weather workwear. 

Find out which materials are most appropriate for your workforce in the spring and summer.  


Check out our PPE range 

ppe spring and summer materials jackets and helmets yellow orange

Suitable warm-weather materials are:

  • cotton; 
  • flax; 
  • hemp fibre; and  
  • moisture-wicking synthetic materials. 

Our tip: Opt for loose-fitting clothing that allows the air to circulate. 

Add lightweight headgear and sunglasses to your workwear wardrobe. 

Why are lightweight materials important when choosing PPE for spring and summer? 


  • Comfort 

    Lightweight materials keep you cool and comfortable even on hot days. They reduce perspiration and prevent overheating, helping your workforce to concentrate and be more productive. 

  • Safety 

    Some lightweight fabrics also offer protection from UV rays and other external factors, so your employees are protected at work and can focus fully on their work. 

  • Productivity 

    When employees feel comfortable, they tend to be more productive. Lightweight clothing allows them to move around freely and work without constraints.

5 reasons to put your company logo on your employee workwear 


1. Your employees are ambassadors embodying your company’s professional image and building trust with customers and partners. 

2. Labelling helps to identify your workforce, both within the company and for customers, making communication and orientation on the ground easier. 

3. Clothes with the company brand bring employees together and foster a sense of belonging. This builds team spirit and motivation. 

4. A company logo on clothing is visible to the general public, spreading brand awareness and acting as a form of advertising. 

5. An often overlooked benefit is that company-branded clothing is harder to sell on the black market, reducing the risk of theft


Find out more 

man in red overall and white helmet

An investment

in quality, comfortable workwear pays for itself many times over in enhanced comfort, safety, and productivity.  

Not sure which materials will increase your employees’ comfort and protect them from occupational hazards?  

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